Pursue (def): continue to investigate, explore, or discuss (a topic, idea, or argument).

Our original home was with God in the Garden of Eden.

God created us in His own image to dwell in His presence and fellowship with Him (Genesis 1:24-31). When Adam and Eve encountered Satan and ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, their act introduced sin into the world, separated them from God, and set a precedent for every generation to follow (Romans 5:12). Not only could they no longer dwell in Eden, but the judgment for all mankind was separation from God (Genesis 3:22-23). 

we must make the decision to pursue Christ.

Though the opportunity for a relationship with Christ always stands. Our pursuit is not a one-time decision, but a commitment to remaining in close fellowship with the Father. David’s greatest desire was that He would dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life (Psalms 27:4). Pursuing Christ is not a burden, but an opportunity afforded to us because Jesus Christ gave his life for us that we might find a home in him.

The Pursuit of Home is a call for our generation to seek God like never before. We desire our generation to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven over our own desires and ambitions (Matthew 6:33). We call our generation to seek the Lord wholeheartedly while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6). The Pursuit of Home is a declaration that we will choose to pursue our true home, which is with God our Father. We will choose the safest place from sin, death, and the grave, which is in the presence of Jesus Christ.

When we pursue God, we will not turn up empty-handed. As we pursue God, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13-14). And in Him, we find our peace, our value, and our identity (Ephesians 2:21-24). 

Pursue with us.